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Cultural Shock

You will experience this. We all did on different degrees, and after some time we understood that it was natural, it was our mind and body response to the new environment. There will always be differences between your country and the US, that can range from small differences in how people handle everyday tasks, feelings of incompetence when dealing with unfamiliar situations, frustration with an unfamiliar bureaucracy, or the feeling that you cannot “connect” emotionally with Americans.   

Try not to let this affect you. Look for help if you feel depressed if you are losing or gaining weight and appetite, experience insomnia,  or if you find yourself withdrawing from social activities.  You must accept that you will feel homesick, and that is natural, we all experience it. Remember, there is nothing wrong with asking for counseling. Some will get over their culture shock in a few days; others will take longer to adjust. You may experience culture shock immediately after arriving in the United States, or you may struggle with culture shock later when many small frustrations have built up. That's why you must realize that adjusting takes time and that your time is different to other people. Lastly, keep an open mind and be patient, with yourself and also with Americans, and make friends! 


Binghamton University offers counseling services for students who are going through different situations.  You can reach out to them for advice or to relieve stress. Offices are located in Main Campus at the Old O’Connor Hall Room 264, and hours of operations are Monday through Friday, from 8AM to 4PM. For more information click on the link: 

Events to meet new people and to extend your friendship boundaries

International Coffee Hours: ISSS organizes International coffee hours and sends you notifications about the time and venue. This event helps you network with other international students and enjoy some free coffee and snacks.

Family Friendship Program (FFP): Organized by ISSS, the program help you connect with a local family. If you decide to participate, before joining BU you will receive a survey form to help you connect with a family. You will meet some nice people through this program and share a good social relationship with your assigned family. The first encounter with the family will happen through a coffee meeting at the school. Read more about the FFP at

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